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Shirt flannel OD. Technician 4th grade  Eastern Defense Command
Shirt flannel OD. Technician 4th grade  Eastern Defense Command
Shirt flannel OD. Technician 4th grade  Eastern Defense Command
Shirt flannel OD. Technician 4th grade  Eastern Defense Command
Shirt flannel OD. Technician 4th grade  Eastern Defense Command
Shirt flannel OD. Technician 4th grade  Eastern Defense Command
Shirt flannel OD. Technician 4th grade  Eastern Defense Command
Shirt flannel OD. Technician 4th grade  Eastern Defense Command
Shirt flannel OD. Technician 4th grade  Eastern Defense Command
Shirt flannel OD. Technician 4th grade  Eastern Defense Command

Shirt flannel OD. Technician 4th grade Eastern Defense Command

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Chemise troupe US en drap de laine  Shirt flannel OD 


Grade de Techician 4th grade et écusson du Eastern Defense Command cousus machine.

Overseas bars pour 2 ans de présence Outre-mer manche gauche.

Etiquette de fabricant illisible, un nom et matricule, étiquettes de laverie.

Bon état général, des petits trous de mites discrets. Une tache d'encre poche droite.

Taille US 14 1/2 -33. Largeur d'épaules 45 cm, manches 61 cm, tour de poitrine 110cm.

Ecussonnage d'époque Seconde Guerre Mondiale.

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